06 Sep 2010 Patio Update
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Well after some fun and games with the neighbours, problems with the size of the patio and not ordering enough slabs but its all finished now and it looks amazing

Patio from the garden


Looking down on patio from the office


03 Aug 2010 Cracking on with the kitchen
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Quick update on the house, were currently working on the kitchen to try and get that finished, kitchen is in, floor tiles are done, wall tiles are done, just need to sort out the last bits of wood work then get painting and were done.



Above: Garage side of the kitchen

Below: Back of the house side of the kitchen



Dads been doing the majority of this work on the tiles i have gone and bust my shoulder playing the extreme sport of badminton so im out of action for a bit which is rubbish cant work on the house cant go to work and i cant even game on the xbox, man im bored.

Well this is about as much as i can type in a day

New update soon.

28 Jun 2010 The long overdue update
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OK im still rubbish at updating the blog better update you all with what’s been going on.

Chimney has gone

It was a mission but over the Easter weekend the chimney was removed by Dave with some help (well i think you can call it help) from Nigel and myself. It took the whole weekend and didn’t start well on the Friday morning with the winds and rain to which dave asked me to get on the very top of the scaffolding which was in line with the top of the roof and throw the bricks down, “ i don’t think so “ was my prompt reply. Alot of the weekend was spent carrying bricks outside of the house and on the kango, i was still bouncing for a few days after. Where the chimney came out from is totally sealed up now, looks good and its made an amazing difference in the kitchen and in my room.


Chimney coming down in my bedroom


Nigel tidying up as we go in the kitchen then bashing some of the bricks out himself.



Chimney gone (kitchen on left, my bedroom on the right)Smile


All the bricks went out the back for later.


Scaffolding up but the chimney has gone.



Wasn’t planning on doing the patio this year originally but we decieded that the bricks from the chimney might as well form the base of the patio. We have now had the wall for the patio built, filled with scalpings, steps have been started to be built and the patio slabs have been ordered from Acrete in Westbury. Should be finished in July.



New doors

New front and back doors are not on, looking much better



Front Room

We have started to decorate the front room, nearly done now.



Walls sorted, lights in ready for the plumber to come back in a couple of weeks



Were cracking on with the kitchen, ceiling done, kitchen in, floor tiles started today need to get on and find tiles and paint now


That about covers all the big stuff i’ll try and update the site more now were getting into the fun stuff

28 Feb 2010 February Update
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End of feb and im still rubbish at updating the blog. Been mental busy at work and on the house. Quick plug for work check out www.homecare-products.co.uk its the latest in our family of sites and its got some amazing products on there.

This months highlight the windows and French doors are in and they look brilliant, im well pleased with them. They give so much more light in the front room. The second highlight of the month is were well on the way with the bathroom, me and Dad (well mainly dad with me helping him out) put up the wood work for the new walls, we did a dam good job if i do say so myself and this weekend they have been plastered. I can take final measurements tomorrrow and get on and order the bathroom. That’s if i have any money left now were starting to have to pay for the big stuff the bank account is getting smaller and smaller. On that note (second plug of the day) if you have any computer problems like your wireless is playing up or you run a small business and you need some analytics setup on your site and an overview of what its telling you then get in touch i can pop over of a weekend or evening and help your out, my rates are very good, email me at stu_taylor@live.co.uk for more info.

Back to the house, with the new windows in there was a fair bit of plastering to be done especially in the kitchen where its actually a new window, that’s pretty much all done now. In my office (soon to be the hub of the house) i have my cable box in and new shelves in the little cupboard.

In the front room the ceiling was plastered a couple of weeks ago, i put the 1st coat of paint on yesterday and a second today, i brought a dulex paint pod used it for the 1st time today and managed to break it within 2 hours, rubbish. Painting ceilings is a rubbish job im aching now gonna be still in the morning.

Planning on getting the chimney out over Easter now, only a month away and hopefully the weather might be better.

Sofa is being delivered tomorrow, should be interesting me and nigel have tidied up enough in the front room to keep it in there and coved, pitty the muppets at DFS couldn’t keep it for another two weeks.

Some Pictures

Bathroom walls down old window being plastered over


Bathroom new frame then plastered boarded ready to be plastered

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Office – The hub :) and cupboard

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Kitchen – Kitchen out,  then walls being plastered and new window

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Lounge – Hole for French doors being prepped, the new doors in

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Here’s hoping March goes as well as February did and if any big things happen i will try and post quicker.

26 Jan 2010 Coming along nicely
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Its been ages since we updated this site with where we are so thought i better get on and write something.

Well the house is coming on straight, been a bit (well alot) of a building site latley but things are changing and a big thanks to Dave West for all his hours he done over Christmas.

In the lounge we now have the new ceiling up ready to be plastered and painted, there is a big hole in the wall ready for the French doors and all the walls are channelled out ready to lay the cables in. Thanks to mike from Solo Installations I’m going to have network and TV points in all the rooms in the house (ready to control my empire)

In the spare bedroom the build in cupboard has gone and been replaced with new plastered wall and the old fireplace is gone and plastered up. Bit of a bugger it didnt come out in one piece i was hoping to sell that.

In my room not alot has changed yet but me and dad are planning what were going to do to build a built in wardrobe, if the plans come off its gonna look cool.

The toilet and bathroom upstairs have vanished, i just have big landing space. That’s all ready now to build the new bathroom walls which dad is going to do then its a case of electrician and plumber in to do their bits.

The office is pretty much good to paint now, been artexed cables laid and good to go, nigel is off work this week so that’s one of his jobs.

The whole of the upstairs has had a new plasterboard ceiling put up ready for Kevin to come round and aertex.

Downstairs the kitchen and dining room has changed a fair bit, the current kitchen is out, the old larder has gone and so is the wall between the kitchen and dining room. Last thing to do in there is get the chimney out. Now the weather is a little better we can get on get some scaffolding in to get that down. This will move the house on loads then so we can start getting some new stuff in.

Over Christmas before we went away i started buying new things, a bed and sofa come early march so we need to get a wriggle on and the kitchen has been chosen and is ready to buy and get in as soon as were ready.

I’ll upload new photos later this week

28 Sep 2009 The Outside Tidy Up
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This weekend we had a good tidy up outside the front of the house, well mainly thanks to mum and dad.

Mum has been working on the garden (thanks mum) getting that all sorted and dad pressure washed the patio out the front, that looks loads better now (thanks dad) also between the two of us we put up our new door number which is pretty dam cool. See the pics for the slate sign it came from http://www.housesignsonline.co.uk/ and they have an very impressive service, you even do online proofs of your sign which i was pretty cool.

Plumber in today moving some heaters around so its all go at the moment.

20 Sep 2009 House Pic’s – Wall Stripping
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Here are some pictures of the house now we have took the paper and tiles off of the wall and the ceiling tiles down

20 Sep 2009 Were in and its all go
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Thought i actually better start posting now we are in the house and its all systems go.

We have stripped all the paper off in all of the rooms with some help for Laura and Grant we got the whole house nailed in the bank holiday weekend which was good going.

We have had the fun job of removing ceiling tiles from some of the rooms. The dining room was a nightmare took me a good couple of hours, half of it was easy but the rest was a right bugger they must have used some extra strong glue for the bottom end of the room. The living room took me and Nigel 2 hours between us to get that done, apart from the coving around the edges that wasn’t too bad. Then lastly Nigel got the upstairs toilet and bathroom done in a couple of hours. All in all we had about 7 bags of ceiling tiles and aching arms from getting that lot down.

This weekend we have got all of the tiles off in the kitchen and bathroom so every wall which needs redecorating is ready to go.

This last week when i was off work on holiday ( i’m sure an week in the office is easier ) we got quite a few things done. We had Mr Hubbard our electrician in, we moved around a load of sockets, changed how the light switches work and put up an outside light so that was a good days work. Spent some time sorting out the front garden, blagged a mower off of a neighbour which he is letting me keep, thank you David. Been out buying paint testers, still not settled on a colour. Been out looking for beds and sofa’s. Started filling holes which we have made getting the paper off etc and i have had 3 windows companies in to give me quotes, got a couple more next week then we need to get moving on that and been to a couple of bathroom stores to get them to design me a bathroom.

Hopfully this week we can make a start on getting the plans drawn up which we need to submit to the council to get the walls knocked down then i can schedule some builders to come in as were nearly at the stage where there’s no point of putting paint on etc with the amount of mess were going to make brining walls down.

20 Sep 2009 House Pic’s – Original
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Here are some pics of the house before we started

28 Aug 2009 The House is ours
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At long last the house is ours, solicitor phoned at lunchtime to say it was all done and we picked up the keys on the way home.

We have been up there this evening for an hour testing walls and found in the bedroom the wallpaper comes off pretty easy so those two rooms are both 80% done already not a bad start.

Out tonight for a couple of pints then tomorrow the hard work starts, can’t wait :)