Archive for January 26th, 2010

26 Jan 2010 Coming along nicely
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Its been ages since we updated this site with where we are so thought i better get on and write something.

Well the house is coming on straight, been a bit (well alot) of a building site latley but things are changing and a big thanks to Dave West for all his hours he done over Christmas.

In the lounge we now have the new ceiling up ready to be plastered and painted, there is a big hole in the wall ready for the French doors and all the walls are channelled out ready to lay the cables in. Thanks to mike from Solo Installations I’m going to have network and TV points in all the rooms in the house (ready to control my empire)

In the spare bedroom the build in cupboard has gone and been replaced with new plastered wall and the old fireplace is gone and plastered up. Bit of a bugger it didnt come out in one piece i was hoping to sell that.

In my room not alot has changed yet but me and dad are planning what were going to do to build a built in wardrobe, if the plans come off its gonna look cool.

The toilet and bathroom upstairs have vanished, i just have big landing space. That’s all ready now to build the new bathroom walls which dad is going to do then its a case of electrician and plumber in to do their bits.

The office is pretty much good to paint now, been artexed cables laid and good to go, nigel is off work this week so that’s one of his jobs.

The whole of the upstairs has had a new plasterboard ceiling put up ready for Kevin to come round and aertex.

Downstairs the kitchen and dining room has changed a fair bit, the current kitchen is out, the old larder has gone and so is the wall between the kitchen and dining room. Last thing to do in there is get the chimney out. Now the weather is a little better we can get on get some scaffolding in to get that down. This will move the house on loads then so we can start getting some new stuff in.

Over Christmas before we went away i started buying new things, a bed and sofa come early march so we need to get a wriggle on and the kitchen has been chosen and is ready to buy and get in as soon as were ready.

I’ll upload new photos later this week